Logging, Sawmill & Pallet Shop Equipment
31st Annual Air Works Consignment Auction
GPS Location: Mt Hope Auction Grounds; 8076 SR 241 Millersburg OH 44654
This auction is part of 3-Day event featuring:
Heavy Equipment * Rolling Stock * Sawmill & Pallet Equipment * Logging Equipment * Power Units * Woodworking * Metalworking * Construction Tools * Misc.Tools & Equipment * Antique & User Tools * 1,200+ Lots of Cast Iron * 500+ Watches & Clocks * Blacksmithing Butchering * Book Collection *Gun Collections * Collectible Toys * Antiques & Collectibles
- Thursday, February 13th at 9:00 AM Selling in 4 Auction Crews
- Friday, February 14th at 8:30 AM Selling in 14 Auction Crews
- Saturday, February 15th at 8:30 AM Selling in 14 Auction Crews
Sawmill/Logging & Pallet Equipment Sells Online/Live Mostly Friday Feb. 14th
- Sawmills: Like New HMC, MM10 automatic sawmill w/3HB, AC44 w/run around, set works and controls; New AG Trucut 6” band headrig; Brewco fastline super scragg, redone, excellent con.; 2010 Woodmizer LT70 portable bandmill, one owner, fully hyd. w/all the extras, 65 hp Cat engine, 1300 hrs, stored inside; HD 36” Lumber Tiger Bandmill, model 40hp71596, 40 hp John Deere, 22’ track, 24” opening, power drive and power up & down; Woodmizer LT30 portable bandmill, low hrs, 3HB, lineshaft or electric motor;
- Carriages; Cleereman 36” carriage, track, frame & drive, excellent con.; Pierce carriage w/3HB, track, frame, drive, husk and log turner; Frick carriage, hand set, air operated, track & frame, good con.;
- Chippers/Hogs; Morbark Chip-Pac, 48” w/electric motor, 3 knife, in g.c.; Precision Husky 58” chipper w/shaker; Montgomery hog, 45 PMKC, top feed, rebuilt & in excellent con.; Williams 32” hammer hog w/3” screen rebuilt & in excellent con.; West Salem 32” Hammer hog, rebuilt; 2008 Vermeer BC600VL chipper, 27 hp Kohler engine, 110 hrs, excellent condition;
- Shaving Mill; Tremzac shaving mill, TZ248, portable, demo unit, low hrs, handles 24” x 8’ logs, hyd. drive, g.c.;
- Edgers; Baker portable edger w/Honda engine, 441 hrs, like new; Corley edger, 4” x 32” w/2 movable blades and infeed table; Meadows 4” x 8” 2 blade edger, 1 blade movable; Edminton 3 blade edger; Frick 27” edger, 2 blades, 1 movable, works good; Weaver 2 blade 27” edger, 1 blade movable, variable speed w/8” drop deck;
- Resaws; Like New 2019 Woodmizer HR120 resaw, 67 hrs, 25 hp Kohler gas engine; West Plains resaw WPRS-WBS, 14” capacity, lineshaft; Woodmizer single head resaw w/Honda engine, like new; Baker single head resaw, BPQ-0, electric drive, excellent con.; Fast Line grade resaw, 16” cap. w/electric motor; Brewer 2000 resaw, Golden Eagle w/run around, 12 x 12, excellent condition;
- Trim & Chop Saws; New County Line Equipment 7 x 9 chopsaw, lineshaft ready; Hemco multi trim saw, 9 heads, 8” x 20’ cap. electric drive, g.c.; Brewco fastline, double head trim saw, electric motor; Upcut chop saw, 4” x 6” cap.; Trim saw, 2 blades, up to 16’ w/trash belt conveyor, electric drive, works; CTR buck saw; Baker chop saw w/infeed; Chop saw, electric motor w/infeed & outfeed; Yates American cut off saw, 3 ph electric motor that mounts on ceiling, outfeed rollers with stops;
- Pallet Equipment; Pallet runner feeder w/like new hyd. unit; 2 = sticker carts, 18” x 40” w/10” sides, hyd. drive, g.c.; Mellinger sticker machine, 2 lift tables, hyd, electric motor w/gearbox drive, from 6’ to 16’ lumber, g.c.; 8’ round stacking table; Stutzman double head notcher, 40” to 144” runners;
- Unscramblers; Cornell 4 chain unscrambler, electric motor w/gearbox drive, g.c.; 3’ to 16’ board unscrambler, 8’ tall, electric drive, g.c.; Round stacking table, 8’ w/electric drive;
- Debarkers; 2011 Mellot 36” debarker, completely rebuilt, excellent con.;
- Log Turners; Frick log turner; Mellot log turner, rough con.;
- Slabwood Saws; New AG Trucut automatic slabwood saw, lineshaft ready; Slabwood cut off saw w/24” blade;
- Conveyors; 2 = bark conveyors, 30’ and 36’ long, ladder back chain, electric drive, g.c.; Belt conveyor, 34” x 33’ w/6” sides, hyd. drive, rough con.; Belt conveyor, approx.. 18” x 20’ electric drive; Barn sweep only drive is good; belt conveyor, 14” x 20’ no drive, needs work; Bushman Accuglide live rolls 28” x 57’; Bushman Accuglide conveyor 28” x 24’; 2 = belt conveyors, 16” x 24’, hyd driven; Laderal wood transfers, 1st and 2nd levels;
- Decks: Green chain, 12’ x 28’, 4 strand, g.c.; Green chain, 5’ x 13’, 2 strand w/hyd drive; Green chain log deck, 28’-3 strand, automated, electric drive; Rollcase, 20” x 17’ hyd drive, g.c.; Mellot 14’ rollcase; Mellot 20’ rollcase; Mellot 3 strand chain transfer deck;
- Hoppers; 5 = New hoppers
- Deduster; Go Fast deduster, wire brushes, g.c.; Brewco deduster, extra brush, good condition;
- Blowers; Morbark chip blower, electric drive, good condition; Morbark chip blower, g.c.; 72” dust blower no power, g.c.; 2 = 24” sawdust blowers, rebuilt; 36” dust blower w/16” air lock built on w/3ph 30 hp electric motor, g.c.; 36 “ blower w/12” inlet & 10” outlet;
- Firewood Processor: 2017 DYNA SC15 firewood processor w/34 hp Cat diesel, 14’ conveyor, 4” x 6” wedge, 720 hrs, factory refurbished w/ 90 day warranty;
- Misc. Dyna stake pointer; 20 sections pallet racking; Mud cleaner & frame; 2 = 52” sawblades, g.c.; Hyd motor on tank w/pump & 30 hp electric motor; 100 hp electric motor; 30 hp electric motor; Hazeldine chamfer, electric motor, g.c.; Newman stringer band router w/new electric motor; Concrete truck frame, ready to set log loader on top to create a 6 wheel transmission forwarder; hyd. unit, 15 hp w/pumps; LP Vaporizer; Hanchett chipper blade sharpener, w/3ph, 3 hp electric motor;
Unloading Schedule
- Monday Feb. 10 from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.,
- Tuesday & Wednesday. Feb. 11 & Feb. 12 from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
- Thursday Morning 7:30 to 12:00 Noon (Reserved for out of state consignors)
Air Works Auction
Ph. 330-749-4362
PO Box 242
Fax 330-816-0006
Kidron OH 44636